Workers’ Compensation Reform Bill to Be Filed In Iowa Senate
Recently, a comprehensive workers’ compensation reform bill has been put forward before the Iowa State Senate. This bill is intended to address various inequalities in the Iowa Workers’ Compensation System. The bill is comprehensive but, if adopted, would address many issues including but not limited to making a shoulder injury a scheduled member injury as opposed to a body as a whole injury, potentially reduce employer liability for industrial disability when the employer returns the employee to employment without a reduction in earnings. Further, this reform bill would limit scheduled member PPD to ratings as assigned by the AMA guidelines as opposed to deputy discretion.
We would encourage you to contact your Iowa state senator or representative to express your support of this bill. Baylor Evnen will provide further updates as this bill makes its way through the Iowa State House and Senate. For questions regarding Iowa Workers’ Compensation please contact Baylor Evnen Iowa Workers’ Compensation attorney Paul Barta at