Mr. Zink continues to have an active role in the firm while serving as Of Counsel. Mr. Zink was a leader in the development of the firm’s workers’ compensation practice. Under his direction, the practice group developed the resources to manage workers’ compensation cases of varying complexities with a high level of efficiency. Today, the workers’ compensation practice group is flourishing as it continues to explore innovative ways to enhance client services through refining the firm’s ability to manage workers’ compensation and employment overlap matters.
Mr. Zink’s workers’ compensation expertise, combined with his in-depth knowledge of toxic tort law and his extensive medical knowledge acquired from legal work in evaluating and defending medical malpractice claims, makes him a valuable resource for the firm’s attorneys.
Mr. Zink is a retired Major General in the United States Army National Guard, having been called to active duty during Operation Enduring Freedom. He also served as an adjunct professor in legal writing workers compensation at the University of Nebraska College of Law.
Invited speaker on workers’ compensation and employment-related topics throughout Nebraska and the Midwest.
Admitted to practice in: State of Nebraska, United States District Court, District of Nebraska, United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
Juris Doctor, University of Nebraska College of Law, with distinction, 1974
Bachelor of Arts in Education, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1970
Professional Affiliations
- Nebraska State Bar Association
- Lincoln Bar Association
- Order of the Barristers (National Oral Advocacy Honorary)
- International Association of Defense Counsel Emeritus Status, Workers’ Compensation Committee, Past Chair
- Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel Emeritus Status, Workers’ Compensation Section, Past Chair
- Association of Defense Trial Attorneys
- American Board of Trial Advocates
- Defense Research Institute
- American Law Firm Association, Workers’ Compensation Practice Group, Past Chair
Area(s) of Practice
Professional Liability Defense
Workers’ Compensation
Significant Matters
- Stephens v. Celeryvale Transport, Inc., 205 Neb. 12, 286 N.W.2d 420 (1979) On appeal finding that the employer was an independent contractor and not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits
- Caradori v. Frontier Airlines, Inc., 213 neb. 513, 329 N.W.2d 865 (1983) On appeal an award of workers’ compensation benefits was reversed when as a matter of law the proof of causation between the accident and the employee’s injury was found insufficient.
- Co-author, “Eliminating a Most Convenient Forum: The Case for Restricting the Extraterritorial Operation of Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 48-115(2)(B) (2004
- Co-author, “Evaluating the Interplay Among FMLA, ADA, and Workers’ Compensation Statutes Isn’t Child’s Play,” 66 Defense Counsel Journal 79-100 (January 1999).
- Co-author, “The Bumpy Road to Workers’ Compensation Reform and L.B. 757,” 28 Creighton Law Review 1 (1994).
- Author, “The Physician and Workers’ Compensation: A Primer,” 74 Nebraska Medical Journal 136 (1989).
Special Distinctions
- Major General (retired), NEARNG (Assistant Adjutant General, Army), Deputy Commanding General ARNORTH (Fifth Army), Commander, Operational Command Post #1, ARNORTH
- Nebraska Safety Council, Past President
- Attorney member of special committee on relative value study, appointed by Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, 1988
- International Association of Defense Counsel Trial Academy, invited faculty member, 1999
- Governor’s Workers’ Compensation Task Force, 1992-1993
Community Service
- Lincoln Community Playhouse, Board of Directors
- Hillcrest Country Club, Past President
- Reserve Officers Association
- National Guard Officers Association
- Camp Kitaki Board of Directors
- Catholic Foundation of Southern Nebraska, Past President
- Villa Marie School Advisory Board
Contact Info
Email Walter